14 dic 2011


Sí te embriagas de pasión
Y no enfrías tu corazón
Tartamudearán tus sentidos y quizás

Hablará sólo el calor y no la razón
Es sabio contar hasta diez.


okay say what you will about what i’m about to write, but i wanted to say something about this moment because from the first time i’ve seen it, it has really moved something in me. this look that naomi gives to emily after they do the blowback in the forest is just stunning to me. lily does such an amazing job of acting here that it is hard for me to think that she is actually acting. this look, it captures so many emotions. naomi is scared. she is vulnerable; something she is not used to being. she is scared of herself and the things she is feeling. she doesn’t know what she is thinking, but at the same time she knows exactly what she wants. this moment just says so much to me and personally i can relate so much to this scene and storyline in general. every time i watch this scene i cannot believe that with just this one look, lily manages to capture so much. it is simply stunning and it evokes an emotion within me that i can’t exactly put into words. that’s really all i wanted to say about this. lame, but i just really love this. lily loveless is an amazing actress.